Tag: advice

Punctuating dialogue: the ultimate guide for authors

Guide to punctuating dialogue

Have you forgotten all the grammar you learnt in school? If so, this guide is for you! My aim is to keep it simple and free from technical terms, so that it's a practical guide for writers. Boring? Trust me, it's worth spending a bit of time learning this stuff now - you'll save yourself so many hours when it comes to editing! The Basics Every time a different person speaks, start on a new line. Double or single speech marks? It's more common to use single in Britain and double in the U.S. It's up to you, though: no...

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What we should—and shouldn’t—learn from other writers’ writing routines

Why is everyone so obsessed with other writers’ routines? I think it’s because we all feel like we’re somehow doing it wrong and are endlessly searching for validation. Quick tip: you won’t find it. Why? Because we all do things differently. What we can learn from other authors is to feel confident in our own routine and supported by a sense of community. So, without making ourselves feel inferior or developing unrealistic expectations, how can we use other writers’ routines to discover our ideal writing routine? Be realistic A lot of the blogs you might find on this topic are...

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